Saturday, July 9, 2011

Asher's Insect ABCs

A: alder fly. ants. ant-lions. agrion. aphid. Asian Lady Beetle.
B: butterflies. bugs. bettles. bush crickets. bees. book and bark lice. biting lice. bumblebee. brimstone. brown wall. blue horntail, Bed Bug.
C: caddis fly. crickets. cockroaches. cicada. cardinal beetle. chafer,rose. cockchafer. cranefly. clouded yellow butterfly, cow ant cattipiller centipede carpenter bee carpenter ant
D: dragonflies. damselflies. downy emerald.
E: earwigs. eyed hawk moth.
F: firebrat, flea, fly, firtillary, pearl bordered butterfly, froghopper, firefly, fruitfly. Fire ant
G: grasshoppers. gall-wasps. goat moth. greenbottle fly. glow-worm. gnat. green fly.
H: hornet. hover fly. hawk moth. holly blue butterfly. herald moth. horse fly. House moth housefly hard tick
I: ichneumon fly. ischnura damselfly. Io moth indian meal moth
J: june bug, jumping spiders japannese beetle
K: katydid
L: Lacewings. ladybird. leafhopper. libellula. lice. Lighting Bug ladybug
M: moths. mayfly. mantis. mosquitoes. may bug. mud bug millipede
N: nut weevil beetle. new forest cicada.
O: oil beetle. oak eggar moth. oak marble gall-wasp. oak apple gall-wasp.
P: proturans. pond skater. pied shieldbug. purple hairstreak butterfly. potter wasp. Praying Mantis. Paper wasp
Q: Queen bee queen bee queen butterfly question mark butterfly
R: red underwing moth. rose aphid. ruddy sympetrum dragonfly. red-tailed bumblebee. ruby-tailed wasp. red ant. rubber fly. rove beetle. red burying beetle. red spider mite.
S: stonefly. scorpion fly. sawflies. snake fly. stick insect. spring tails. silverfish. sucking lice. shieldbug. skipjack. scorpion. snail. slug. Stink bug. spiders
T: true flies. three-pronged bristletails. two-pronged bristletails. termites. thrips. treehopper. termites. tick
U:-unicorn beetle unicorn bug
V: velvet ant. violet ground beetle. velvet mite. Viper wasp vine tick
W: wasps. web spinners. water crickets. white,marbled (butterfly). water measurer. water scorpion. wart-biter. water stick insect. water boatman. wasp beetle. water stider.
X: Xerces Butterfly. Xrien xyletinus xylodromeus
Y: yellow-tail moth. yellow meadow ant. yellow cranefly. yellow jacket.
Z: Zebra swallowtail butterfly.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Asher! This is your mom's cousin Julie. I like your insect ABCs.

    I can tell that you like insects. Here is the biggest insect I have ever seen: Jerusalem cricket. You can look at it here: It's not from Jerusalem, and it's not really a cricket, but it is very interesting.

    When my family lived in Idaho, Jersusalem crickets hatched in the summer. The first one I saw was found by my friends and me in the grass. It was about three inches long. It had a black and white abdomen and a red head. It looked like a toy — like the plastic insects we would put together in an old game called "cooties."

    Since the Jerusalem cricket did not move, my friends and I thought it was a toy. It looked like rubber instead of plastic.

    My dad came home from work while we were looking at the Jerusalem cricket. When my dad walked up, the cricket moved. My dad yelled. (My dad did not yell very often. He yelled because he was surprised.) My dad thought the cricket was a toy, just like my friends and I did..

    After that, I saw three more Jerusalem crickets during their life cycle. But the first one I saw was the biggest. And I'll always remember the cricket that looked like a toy, but moved like a bug.
